While Epsom Salt is a common household item for at-home spa experiences, we can confidently guarantee that our float tanks are a thousand times (literally) more powerful and concentrated  than your average bath tub salt soaks.

Epsom salts are known to reduce muscle soreness, soften skin, increase serotonin, and reduce anxiety, but it is also the key ingredient that makes our bodies completely buoyant and weightless in float tank water! To be exact, there are 1,500 lbs of magnesium- rich dissolved Epsom Salt in each sensory deprivation tank (that’s a higher salt content than The Dead Sea)! For reference… see image at the bottom of the page! 

Because of this key ingredient, the water solution in the tank increases its specific gravity to 1.27, which we can attribute to the change in density and added buoyancy of our bodies in the tank water. This natural phenomena causes our bodies to be effortlessly weightless in flotation tanks!

The wonders of Epsom Salt dont just stop here--Ancient wisdom and scientific studies tells us that Epsom salts are a natural cure-all for holistic health, with benefits spanning from mental, physical, and emotional arenas.

Epsom salts are rich in magnesium, the second most ample element in the human body. Magnesium is absolutely vital to prosperous health and general well being. Epsom Salts and Magnesium greatly benefit:

Heart Health – Improves heart and circulatory health. Preventing hardening of the arteries, blood clots and lowering overall blood pressure.

Bone health – Magnesium helps assimilate calcium into the bones.

Joint Relief – Promotes lymph drainage 

Relieve stress – Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body. Magnesium helps bind serotonin, the happy hormone!

Migraines – Eases and prevents migraine headaches.

Diabetes – Improved insulin sensitivity aids blood glucose control which can aid in prevention or severity of diabetes.

Relaxation – Elevates chemicals in the brain that works to create a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

Detoxification – Flushes toxins and heavy metals from the cells in the body. This in turn helps ease muscle pain and clear out harmful substances picked up from our modern environment.

In essence, Epsom salts not only cause the user to float, but they are also key proponents to the many physical and mental benefits of floatation therapy.

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